2. Be honest about what you're looking for. Nothing is worse than being in being in a relationship with an abstraction. If you are looking at someone as a finish you are wanting the wrong thing. A person is more than an abstract finish. The individual is not the color of their skin, how much money do they make, who they know, how old, are how young they are.
3. Do you have anything in common with the person? A relationship won't last if the two of you do not have anything in common. Once you know what you have in common you can achieve great things together. Granted differences help but what you have in common with your partner will keep you together.
4. Does this person have your best interest in mind? Many of us love the people who are the most detrimental to our evolution. The person who is going to be honest with you is the person who is good for you. Don't date someone who will assist you in living in a fantasy.
5. Be ready for a relationship. If you feel that you're not ready to be faithful and you are not ready to be in a relationship. I do believe that one can be monogamous. Although monogamy can mean different things to different people. Make sure you have a clear definition.
6. Showed them the money. Nobody likes someone who is cheap. If you like someone you must invest in them. Invest with your time, energy, attention, and compassion.
7. Be on time. No one likes someone who is late on the first date. If your going to be late call and let them know 30 minutes before arrival.
8.If you go out don't drink too much. It's never a good idea to get drunk on the first date.best not to drink at all. If you are going to drink keep it to a 2 drink minimum.
9. Don't talk about polarizing issues. So religion, politics, and past relationships are off the table. Keep the conversation fun.
10. Look for body language. If the person has their arms folded at the end of the date don't expect a second date. If the date ends on a mediocre note it's best to let it go. A person who wants to be with you should be excited!
8.If you go out don't drink too much. It's never a good idea to get drunk on the first date.best not to drink at all. If you are going to drink keep it to a 2 drink minimum.
9. Don't talk about polarizing issues. So religion, politics, and past relationships are off the table. Keep the conversation fun.
10. Look for body language. If the person has their arms folded at the end of the date don't expect a second date. If the date ends on a mediocre note it's best to let it go. A person who wants to be with you should be excited!