Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10 Ways To Be Productive

1.     Start your day with a green smoothie. There is no better road to feed our spirit and bodies than consuming an alkalizing gulp from a healthy smoothie first thing in the morning. One of my top dog recipes is as accompany: 8 ounces of water, 2 handfuls of organic spinach, 1 pome, 2 stalks of celery and a intoxicated lemon. This drink is high in fiber, which will help rid the body of toxins and supply us with the vitamins and minerals needed for world-class energy levels.

2.     Plan your day the night before. Take 10 to 15 minutes to critical to plan your day the night before. Adopting this practice relinquish phenomenal advantage. Planning your Time the night before should crush this problem correct away. When we diagram our day the night before, we awaken up ready to hit the ground flowing knowing exactly what has to get done.

3.     Jumpstart your day with a workout. I smack it all the time. Fitness is the best productiveness tool you can ever endow in. Find a routine that works best for you and business that course into the ground every morning. By starting our day with a workout, we get the blood flowing and rid ourselves of the morning blues with the rush of endorphins.

4.     Drink water! Instead of rouse to grab a cup of coffee every time you experience drowsy or tired, drink some water. Our bodies want proper hydration to complete at our unrestricted best. It’s a normal tendency to look for an instant “pick me up.” These methods of energy are very short lived. The human body is made up of over 70 percent water. More times than not, when you are feeling indolent or tired, you are dried-out. Water is a basic aspect of full production. 

5.      Remove distractions! When it’s time to get important work done. If you work from close or outside of an function, regulate a object so people recognize not to call or broken you during certain period blocks. If you are efficient, completely silence block cellphone away so there is no distraction or press to roam from the task at hand.

6.     Quit playing on that phone! Your phone is designed obstruct to your mind. Hit an icon, get a hit of dopamine. Yes, we know smartphones are superior for when you have to postpone in line for more than five minutes.Just done postpone the life infront of your eyes.

7.     Set a deadline and do not break it. If you have a deadline to get something done, you can push it off prepare tomorrow. Then you never get it done!

8.     The Pomodoro Technique, improved in the 1980s, is a measure-guidance tool that bind several of the productivity tools mentioned already. It promotes strict focus followed by regularly scheduled breaks. Pomodoro incite you to map out what needs to get done in manageable, 25-diminutive continued stuff. After each “pomodoro,” you take a 5minute break, and every fourth break you take a longer, 14 to 20 minute break. This allows you to both attain a stage of workflow, while taking time to let your brain recoup and incorporate information.

9.     Keep a Journal. It will help you focus and reflect on what you really want. A keep a journal and when I look back it gives me more clarity on how I solve problems.

10. Make it 10x better!. What ever you do think about what effort it will take and multiply it by 10.What ever you do always plan ahead. Think about 10 challenges to your plan, Think of 10 ways to deal with those challenges. If you have a good idea think of 10 great alternatives. The 10X plan uncovers the principle of “Massive Action,” allowing you to shatter your own limiting beliefs.



10 Ways to Stay Focused and Productive | OPEN Forum. (2015). Retrieved on April 15, 2015, from http://www.openforum.com/articles/10-ways-to-stay-focused-and-productive/.

10 ways to be more productive this year | USA TODAY College. (2015). Retrieved on April 15, 2015, from http://college.usatoday.com/2014/08/11/10-ways-to-be-more-productive-this-year/.

10 ways to stay productive when you just don't feel like it. (2015). Retrieved on April 15, 2015, from http://alifeofproductivity.com/10-ways-stay-productive-dont-feel-like-it/.

Matt Mayberry. (2015). 10 Ways to Become the Most Productive Person Around. Retrieved on April 15, 2015, from http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232129.

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