Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10 Ways To Make Great Friends

1.    Get familiar with coworkers. Being friends with the people you work with can make work more exciting and fun! It makes it more gratifying especially if it’s your career. 

2.    Be Sincerely Happy For Your Friends don’t be petty or competitive. Celebrate your friend's accomplishments as if they were your own.

3.    Stay up to date on the latest Friendship news and learn more about meeting new people, forming friendships, and keeping great friend in your life. Sign up for our free Friendship newsletter today!.

4.    Make eye contact and smile. If you have an unfriendly countenance, people are less likely to be receptive to your friendship. Try not squinting (get some glasses), looking bored, frowning or appearing blankly deadpan, folding your arms (this practically screams "don't talk to me") or hanging out in a corner; such habits may make you look troubled or disinterested.

5.    Keep the 30% talking/70% listening, ratio in mind during small talk when possible.

6.    Be loyal to a friend. Nobody honors fair-weather friends. Fake friends are happy to be around you when things are going well, but are nowhere to be found when you really need them. Part of being a friend is being prepared to make sacrifices of your time and energy in order to help out your friends.

7.    Be a good confidante keep secrets, so it's no secret that you shouldn't tell other people things that were told to you in confidence.
9.    In order to stick out from the crowd be unique be it a personality trait or a interest. Distinctive traits will guarantee that people remember who you are.

10. Keeping your patience is key it creates the opening for you to help resolve the issue and make friends comfortable.

Accept your friend for who they are, as an individual, without conditions. Also, as important as it is for you to be there for them, sometimes you have to be willing to let them be there for you. 

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