Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Thoughts on Happiness.

Happiness is the total feeling we all desire to experience. The science of happiness tells us that being fortunate is, indeed, a option. But it still takes effort to make lemonade when life hands you lemons.

The thing about life is it’s fully unpredictable. Any of us could wake up tomorrow and lose our job,waste time on a person or project that fails, or have a life-threatening  illness. The point is, you never distinguish. Choose joy now and enjoy every twinkling moment you have.

Think approximately the things that fill you with the most joy!

 Opportunities to get better from one day to the next. It’s more satisfying to prepare and meet an attainable goal.

Be courageous with your compassion, and listen when your love ones have problems.

Happiness is a moment-to-moment choice, one that many have a hard time doing. Other folks will respect if you make that choice. And you will motivate them to do the same.

Today is a commanding opportunity to share our joys and our sorrows. If the day was going to be good, it is in our hands to make it the best it could be!